Here's how to give yourself the edge in a competitive market according to the Telegraph today;
1. Sort out your finances, so you’re ready to move at once.
2. Schmooze the estate agents. It is in your interests.
3. If you find a place you like, visit it twice (at different times of the day).
4. Strike while the iron’s hot. If you like a property, make an offer.
5. Keep on the case. Badger estate agents and solicitors, make them get a move on.
1. Clear up your house. Clutter just puts people off.
2. Buy new kitchen appliances. It inspires confidence and improves the look.
3. Finish any unfinished DIY tasks. Buyers can’t see beyond ungrouted walls.
4. Be vague as to why you’re moving. Don’t give buyers a bargaining weapon.
5. After a viewing, ask your agent to be honest about what the buyers thought.
The above is a great start - for more a personalised view - talk to your agent - they are the experts or call any local branch of Besley Hill.
Thanks to The Telegraph 25.01.11