Britain’s housing market is bouncing back with average prices rising by more than £5,000, according to a national newspaper report.
Today’s Daily Express reveals that prices have shot up by £30 a day in the first half of the year with the cost of the typical three-bedroom semi now £216,260 – £5,478 higher than January.
Nicholas Leeming, business development director of property website Zoopla.co.uk, is quoted as saying that “the property market is back on the right track”.
The Zoopla research also shows that asking prices for top-end homes have risen by nearly three per cent since the beginning of the year.
Commenting on the trend, Adam Offer, managing director of Besley Hill, Bristol and Gloucestershire’s biggest independent estate agents, said: “I expect the surge to continue due to such factors as low interest rates and demand outstripping supply. Now is a good time to buy property.”
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